* Oil level in sight well will rise and fall during normal operation. If condition persists refer to Cause/Solution sections.
Pump does not flow
Pump stroke is adjusted to zero.
Adjust pump stroke for desired out-
put. See page 8.
Pump outlet is plugged.
Clean/flush pump outlet.
Outlet check valve damaged.
Replace pump.
Pump inlet check ball and/or seat is
damaged or worn.
Pump has low flow
Pump stroke is adjusted to minimal
Adjust pump stroke for desired out-
put. See page 8.
Pump inlet check ball and/or seat is
damaged or worn.
Replace pump.
Outlet check valve damaged.
Pump has low discharge pressure
Piston and bore are worn.
Replace pump.
Pump inlet check valve and/or seat
are damaged or worn.
Fluid flow from pump outlet when
pump is not running
Inlet pressure exceeds outlet check
Reduce inlet pressure to below out-
let check pressure.
Pump outlet check ball and/or seat
is damaged or worn.
Replace pump.
Sight well fills with oil*
Possible debris in inlet check
Perform Maintenance, page 12.
Pump inlet check ball and/or seat is
damaged or worn
Replace pump.
Piston and bore are worn
Sight well runs dry*
Restriction in Drip or Suction tube
Perform Maintenance, page 12.
Air leak in sight well
Replace pump.
Sight well remains constant and no
lubricant drips from tube
Pump air bound
Follow Setup section appropriate for
your pump model, pages 5-8.
Pump regulation set too low
Increase pump regulation.
Camshaft speed too slow
Increase camshaft speed (see Table
1, page 10.
Cloudy or broken sight glass (Suc-
tion or Gravity Fed Pumps only)
Replace sight glass using GBL7500
Sight Glass Replacement Kit
24T306. See Maintenance, page