30s,total 5 times.(s: second, m: minute, h: hour). The setting must be in 3 digits and at
maximum 255 in value.
5.8.2 To get a Geo-info at 30s intervals to the authorized numbers for heaps of times.
Setup:Send SMS t030s***n+password to the unit, it will report a Geo-info every
30s,total heaps of times.
5.8.3 Cancel: Send notn+password to delete the “ auto track ”It will reply “notn ok!”.
Remark: the interval must not be less than 5s.
5.9 Geo-fence
This function is using for the owner to set up a geo-fence of the unit to restrict its
movements within a district. The unit will send the message to the authorized numbers
when it moves out of the district.The alert format as below:
lat: 22.566923 long: 114.051331 speed: 0.00 28/10/09 03:33 F:4.32V,0, Signal:F
stockade imei:359587011016261 05 41.9
5.9.1 Setup: When the unit stays immobile in a place for 3-10 minutes, the user can
send SMS spspace+latitude,longitude; latitude,longitude to unit to
set the restricted district. In case of breach, it will send a SMS “stgeo-info” to
the authorized numbers every 3 minutes.
Remark: The first latitude&longitude is coordinate of the top left corner of the
Geo-fence, while the second latitude&longitude is the coordinate of the bottom right
5.9.2 Cancel: Send SMS nospassword to deactivate this function.It will reply
nonostockade ok!”.
5.10 Movement Alert