=0 , to turn off this function =1, <3.3V
=2 , <3.4V
=3 , <3.5V (default)
=4 , <3.6V
=5 , <3.7V
Example: W000000,004,2
11. Overspeed
Command: W******,005,XX
Description: Turns on overspeed alarm. When the tracker speeds higher than the preset value, it will send
an SMS to the phone number for SOS.
Notes: XX is the preset value of speed and in 2 digits.
=00 , to turn off this function
=[01, 20] (unit: 10Km/h)
Example: W000000,005,08
When the tracker’s speed is over 80km/h, an SMS alarm will be sent out.
12. Movement/Geofence
12.1 Movement Alarm
Command: W******,006,XX
Description: When the tracker moves out of a preset square scope, it will send an SMS alarm to the
authorized phone number for SOS.
XX is the preset distance to the tracker’s original place
=00, to turn off this function
=01, 30m
=02, 50m
=03, 100m
=04, 200m
=05, 300m
=06, 500m
=07, 1000m
=08, 2000m
Example: W000000,006,06
When tracker moves out of this square scope, it will send out an SMS alarm.
12.2 Geo-fence Alarm
Command: W******,017,X or W******,117,X
Description: Turns on Geo-fencing alarm. When the tracker moves in/out the preset scope, it will send an
SMS alarm to the authorized phone number for SOS.
1. 017 is for alarm when tracker moves out the preset scope;
2. 117 is for alarm when tracker moves in.
3. X is the coordinates which include: Lower-left X,Lower-left Y,Upper-right X,Upper-right Y
4. Lower-left X should be less than Upper-right X;
5. All longitudes and latitudes should be in ASCII format as follows:-