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(3) Move the laser target at regular intervals on vertical direction, and repeat the
(2) procedure. The vertical outline of object can be measured.
4.4.2 Laser measurement
(1) Turn the eyepiece until the reticle cross-hairs is clear.
(2) Place a laser target close to object, adjust the focusing knob until the laser
spot on laser target is the smallest, reading out the value.
(3) Move the laser target at regular intervals on vertical direction, and repeat the
(2) procedure. The vertical outline of object can be measured.
4.5 Transfer on vertical direction
In engineering or mining survey, in order to establish connection between the
ground and under the ground, the known azimuth or coordinate on the ground
need to be transferred to under the ground. It shows as following. As right figure
shows, the azimuth of line AB is known, point C and point D on the line AB as