Product Overview (II)
Universal PocketPC is an Intel built in Compute S ck, in its smaller size to func on as
a regular computer -on-a-S ck device that can be plugged into an HDMI-
compa ble TV or monitor or projector to provide a complete personal compu ng
(PC) experience.
This product is designed to meet all daily and business needs. It's portability and
func onality cut across all business facet. Universal PocketPC is a fanless PC device
that is energy efficient and able to reduce the cost of energy consump on and s ll
perform the same func ons as that of a regular PC.
This product is very low in heat emission and powered by a quad-core Intel Atom
system-on-a-chip (SoC) processor. Also, it has in built Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, with a
USB port, and a micro SD card slot for addi onal storage beyond the 32 GB of on-
board storage in the Windows-based Intel PocketPC S ck
While PC-on-a-S ck devices
lack the power and full
func onality of tradi onal
desktop and laptop PCs, their
portability, inexpensive
pricing and low energy usage
make them a rac ve and
versa le for a wide variety of
use cases, par cularly on the
consumer end.