7835 EAST McCLAIN DRIVE SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 85260-1732 TEL. 602-998-3400 FAX 602-998-8312 www.govideo.com
Video System
1/2 inch VHS system, rotary head
helical scanning: Deck 1 = 4 head,
Deck 2 = 4 Head; FM azimuth
luminance; chrominance: converted
sub system phase shift.
Television System
NTSC-type color signal EIA standard
(525 lines, 60 fields)
Audio Track
Normal: 1 track; Mono
Tape Width
Tape Speed
SP: 33.35mm/s; SLP: 11.12mm/s
Play/Record Time
T-200 tape: SP 3
hrs, SLP 10 hrs
FF/Rew Time
T-120 tape: 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Power Requirement
120V AC, 60Hz, 26 watts max.
Weight / Dimensions
20 lbs. / 534 x 100 x 400mm
(21" x 4" x 15
Agency Approvals
RF Modulation
Channel 3 or 4
Clock Backup Time
1 Minute
41-104 F (5-40 C); 10%-75% humidity
Video: DA 4 rotary heads per deck
Audio: 1 stationary head (Linear)
Control: 1 stationary head
Erase: 1 full track, 1 audio track
Technical Specifications
Input: FROM ANTENNA (“F”-Type)
75 ohms unbalanced
Output: TO TV (“F”-Type)
75 ohms unbalanced
Horiz Res: Monochrome, more than
230 lines (SP)
S/N Ratio: Better than 43 db
Input: AUDIO IN (RCA) -8dbu,
47K ohms
Output: AUDIO OUT (RCA) -8dbu,
1.5K ohm unbalanced, 1 V P-P
TV Tuner: 181 channel frequency
synthesized. VHF input Ch 2-Ch 13.
UHF input Ch 14-Ch 69. VHF & UHF
one input.
Cable Ch 5A, A-5 through A-1, A-I, J
through W+58, W+59 through W+84.
75 ohm unbalanced.
• AmeriChrome™ Circuitry
• Fully Automatic EZ Copy™
• Multi-Brand TV Remote
• Video Sequencing Playback &
• Super Digital Auto Tracking
• Multi-Scene Automatic Editing
• Complete Program
• Real Time Tape Counter
• VHS Index Search System
• Hi-Speed Rewind
• Skip Search
• Date and Time Stamp
• Front Audio/Video Jacks
• 1 Year/8 Event Timer Recording
• On-Screen Programming
(English & French)
Standard Features
©1998 Go-Video, Inc. Dual-Deck™, AmeriChrome™, Video Sequencing™, EZ Copy™, Complete Program Record™ (CPR) and Copy Tape™, are trademarks of Go-Video, Inc.
COPYRIGHT WARNING: Go-Video’s Dual-Deck VCR is not made or sold for unauthorized recording of copyrighted works, including, without limitation, unauthorized recordings from pre-recorded copyrighted movies.