13. Once the water is boiled, the kettle
will beep once and turn off.
14. In order to maintain the tempera-
ture of the water, press the keep
warm button.
15. If no action is taken for 30 minutes
in keep warm mode, the kettle will
turn off.
8. The number above the horizontal
line shows you the preset tempera-
ture that the water will boil to.
9. Press the power button again and it will
turn red.
10. When the power button is red, you can
adjust the temperature according to your
preferred temperature.
11. Use the increase or decrease button to
adjust the temperature. Select between
the preset temperature settings: from 104º
up to 212º.
12. For farenheit press once for every 2ºF, and
long-press for every 9ºF. For celcius press
once for every 1ºC, and long-press for
every 5ºF. If the temperature that it is set to,
is lower than the temperature of the water
in the kettle, the kettle will turn off.
To change from celcius to farenheit
hold the temperature
increase and decrease button for five seconds