Device Description HG G-98780-A | English, Revision 16 | Date: 15.07.2021
Chapter 6 – Software Main menu
Figure 14
Main menu of the monitor program
Each of the screen menus contains important system variables in the first three lines
(refer also to Table 20), as they also appear in the output telegram (described in sec
tion on page 20). The last line on the screen contains possible status mes
sages, if e. g. predetermined value ranges have not been observed during input.
Table 20
Description of the system variables (monitor program)
Description of the system variables
Measured voltage of the sum coil within the cover of the casing
in samples (max. 1023).
Measured voltage of the difference coil within the cover of the
casing in samples (max. 1023).
The 32 bits of the decoded transponder code.
Number of readings per transponder crossing. This value is pre
served until another transponder is detected. It is also deleted
through Noise.
U [mV]
Supply voltage of the processor circuit board, measured exactly
to 100 mV. Due to various protective measures, it is always
slightly lower than the applied supply voltage.
I [mA]
Current consumed by the positioning unit, measured to 10 mA
T [Grd.C]
Approximate temperature inside the unit, measured in 5
C steps.
The sensor is located near a cooling sheet.
System status expression in hexadecimal notation. The single bits
are explained in Table 9 „Possible system status messages“ auf
Seite 21.
Number of reading errors per transponder crossing. This value is
stored until a new transponder has been detected.
Display of the transmission frequency divided by 128. This fre
quency is permanently monitored and considered for the system
status word.
Code to be programmed into the Transponder.
S:0568 X:+0000 Code: 00000000 Read: 0
U[/mV]:24000 I[/mA]: 150 T[Grd.C]:+28 E: 0200 N: 0
Ftx[/Hz]:105960 Prog_Code: 00000000
(W)rite Transponder Code
(T)ime & Code
(S)erial Output
(L)oad Values to EEProm
(E)rror ?
Cs(v) (38,4 KB Code(5d),Sum(4d),Tr(1),Co(1),+-(1),Po(1),Cnt(1d)<crlf>)
(B)oot Load
Serv(i)ce Menu
(Q)uit Monitor
Software Version 98780A11.00 / 31.OCT.2005 Serial Number: 9999999