76343/4/5 | English, Revision 05 | Date: 23.02.2022
Chapter 4 – MC-Config Program
An active firewall on the computer could prevent the communication with the
WLAN client.
4.3 Operation
After being started the MC-Config program first detects all network interfaces that
are currently active on the computer. Via these interfaces queries are then sent out
per Broadcast UDP/IP that will be answered by HG G
76343/4/5 devices. The re
sponding devices are registered and displayed in a list.
Figure 12
MC-Config Program: User Interface
The marked user interface items are explained below.
Below the list there is a field for messages from the MC-Config program. Here also
debug messages from WLAN clients are displayed, if this function has already been
activated on the WLAN client. By double-clicking this field all messages saved so far
are opened in a text editor.
4.3.1 Operating Elements
Figure 13
MC-Config Program: Operating elements
Table 5
MC-Config Program: Operating elements (part 1 of 2)
Restarts a scan for existing WLAN clients. The scan ranges are set under
Configure -> IP-Ranges, s. 4.4.3 on page 25.
Opens the configuration dialog for the selected radio modem, see section 4.5 on
page 28. At first the configuration file of the WLAN client is downloaded. As soon
as the configuration is completely received a window opens and displays the con
figurable parameters of the WLAN client. All these parameter shown here are
defined on the basis of the configuration file received from the WLAN client. If
there are additional parameters defined by a certain WLAN client firmware, the
MC-Config program can process these parameters without changes.
Allows to transfer a firmware file to a WLAN client, see section 4.6 on page 30.