Device Description HG G-71450/1/3/5-A | English, Revision 02 | Date: 06.06.2019
Software / Configuration – Chapter 9 CAN Menu
The CAN menu is opened by entering
in the main menu.
Figure 23
HG G-71453: CAN menu
The CAN default values are listed in Table 33 on page 37.
Selection of one of the listed baud rates (the autobaud function is not implement
Selection of the cycle time of the PDO_ transmission.
Entering of the inhibit time of the PDO_. The inhibit time is the shortest possible
time span between two successive transmissions. If both
are both set to
, the PDO is not transmitted.
Changing of the so-called heartbeat time. A control message is sent at the select
ed interval of this cycle time. If
is set to
, the output of this message is sup
(De)activation of the Autostart function.
If Autostart is deactivated, only the heartbeat message (if activated) is sent after
turning the device on; the device is in the preoperational state.
If Autostart is activated, the PDO and the heartbeat message (if activated) are
sent immediately after turning the device on; the device is in operational state.
Inversion of the byte sequence of the 16 bit code in the TPDO.
Adoption of changed parameters, which are then applied. Note that this gener
ates a node reset (see note below).
Node Reset: A connected host might reload the values stored in the EEProm and
thereby undo the changes.
Node Reset: In the above case, do not apply the changes with
, but first save the
values in the main menu (see Figure 22 on page 54) to the EEprom. After saving in
the main menu, a node reset is also generated. The host then reads in the saved con
figuration after the reset.
HG 71453 Monitor
System: 409 kHz / Code [hex-dez]: 0000 - 0000 / Status: 00
Node ID [hex]: 02 / CAN offline : / int.Status: 8801
CAN-(B)audrate[20,50,125,250,500,800,1000 kB]: 125
TPDO (E)vent time [0,10..65535 ms]: 100
TPDO (I)nhibit time [0, 3..65535 ms]: 3
(H)eartbeat time [0,10..65535 ms]: 1000
(A)utostart 1
(L)owbyte first 0