English, Revision 06, Date: 12.07.2011
The following table contains a list of errors that might occur. For each error, a symptom
description is given. In the third column you will find a description of how to locate and
possibly correct the error.
If you should not be able to correct an occurring error, please use the table to locate
the source of the error as exactly as possible (nature of malfunction, at which point of
time did the error occur, etc.) before consulting us.
Possible Cause(s)
No system function
Supply voltage is not sufficient
Check the operation voltage
No contact / connection
possible, output of
incomprehensible char-
Wrong transmission parameters
1. Check the corresponding con-
2. Select only 38400 Bd, 8 bit,
even parity, no handshake.
Output values not
repeatable, insufficient
accuracy, instable image
on control monitor
Cable laying in close proximity to
strong interference currents can
cause image interferences (distor-
tion). Use shielded lines and cable
No reaction to modified
parallel input
Parallel input not activated
Activate the parallel inputs in the
menu Output Input Settings, see
section 4.4 on page 26
The analog output does
not correspond to track
Output not activated
While the parallel interface is acti-
vated switch the inputs IN_1 and
IN_2 according to Table 3 on page
Lost of track
Track has disruptions
External radiation
Dark picture content is reflected
Contrast between the track and
the background is too low.
Repair track
Number of tolerated pictures (à
20 ms) with loss of track has to
be set up (see 4.4 on page 26)
Shield external light
Black track / black background
have to be non-reflective
Luminance- and contrast set-
tings have to be changed (see
4.3 on page 24)
Wrong turning at branch-
The turning bits are not set cor-
rectly, the „straight on exit“ leads
to a random attitude at the
A too low contrast on the picture
edge can be balanced out with
the contrast settings (see 4.3 on
page 24)
Table 45