Best practices when traveling
When traveling abroad, there are greater risks of illness from the
water born deseases like Giardia, cysts, viruses and bacteria. These
harmful microorganisms are often present in food and water.
To minimize the risk of contracting any water-born illness, we suggest
that you:
Consult with your physician, state health department, or clinic
4-6 weeks before departing. While traveling...
Make sure all of your food is fully cooked.
Choose noncooked foods (nuts, fruits, etc) which have intact
shells or skins, and clean hands before peeling.
Wash hands with soap and water often, especially before eating.
Ensure that all the water you drink is microbiologically filtered by
your GoSun filter.
There is no guarentee that you won’t become sick while traveling.
However, you can make sure that your drinking water is
microbiologically safe with your GoSun filter.