GOSSEN Foto- und Lichtmesstechnik GmbH
3.2.3 Shutter priority mode
– Ambient light measurement
Select with the function buttons (the last stored value appears
in the display)
Adjust the desired shutter speed with the value buttons
Measure by pressing the measuring button M
The measured aperture appears in the left-hand digital display
(accuracy: 1/10 stops), also as a rounded mark in the analog aperture scale
Select alternative aperture/shutter speed combinations with the value buttons.
3.2.4 Contrast measurement
with the function buttons
Keep the measuring button
pressed while aiming the meter at
various areas of the subject. The analog aperture scale displays
the f-stop series between the two extreme values, and with the
actual measured value flashing. The first measured f-stop is
displayed in the left-hand side of the display. It remains displayed
as a reference value (e.g. of a grey card).
After the measuring button is released, the entire measured contrast range is displayed on the
analog aperture scale, and the last measured value will cease to flash.