Shipping Instructions
To make certain that your Ultrasound Power Meter arrives at our repair department unharmed
during shipment, please follow these instructions:
1. Empty water from tank and dry. Place the weight under the screw provided.
2. Place all components in foam in case. Ensure transducer clamp is tighten over tank
positioner. Add bubble wrap or foam close case and latches.
3. The package used for shipping should be strong and large enough to allow for adequate
packing material on all sides of unit.
4. Ship to:
By using the above instructions you will avoid additional charges which can be incurred if the
unit is not packaged well enough to withstand rough handling during shipment.
Neither GMC nor the shipping company can be held responsible for damage if these
instructions are not followed.
Edited in Germany • Subject to change without notice • A pdf version is available on the internet
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Südwestpark 15
90449 Nürnberg • Germany
Phone :+49 911 8602-111
Fax: +49 911 8602-777
E-Mail [email protected]