Gossen Metrawatt GmbH
Configuring Rotary Switch Positions
We recommend assigning frequently used test sequences to A1
through A8 and reserving rotary switch position A9 for special
sequences, for which parameters often need to be adjusted.
Select an orange rotary switch position (
), after which
the start page for the respective test sequence is displayed
(i.e. the integrated test sequence set at the factory).
Select classification parameters
Classification Parameters 1/2
page appears.
The standard which is currently assigned to the respective ro-
tary switch position is displayed under
Standard / Test Sequence
Standard / Test Sequence
Standard / Test Sequence
page appears. All standards avail-
able on the test instrument are displayed here according to
the selected setting (off / national designation – see section
Select the desired standard.
The menu is returned to the
Classification Parameters 1/2
Finally, confirm with the green checkmark
The settings are saved.
Repeat the above described procedure for each of the re-
spective rotary switch positions.
All of the settings for the integrated test sequences can be
adjusted at the test instrument. Detailed information on the indi-
vidual settings and concerning the setting procedure can be
found in section 17 “Test Sequences (automatic test sequences)”.
Selecting a Designation and Deactivating Standards in
Case of Update or Extension (enabling function)
Implementation of the standards and integrated test sequences
has changed fundamentally as of firmware version 3.3.0.
You can also expand the integrated test sequences/standards
available in the test instrument after purchasing a corresponding
extension (enabling function).
As a result, you also have to configure the test standards:
If you update your test instrument from firmware 3.2.0 or
lower to firmware 3.3.0 or higher
(The update changes rotary switch position assignments
and how the standards are shown at the test
instrument, in the test data and in the test reports!)
If you’ve subsequently purchased and enabled an extension
for additional test sequences
In both cases, it’s important to complete the following steps in the
specified order:
Install the firmware update or extension.
See “Software/Firmware Update (system info parameter)” on
page 98 and “Extensions (enabling functions/feature)” on
page 24.
Then select the standard designations and deactivate any
standards you don’t need as described in section 8.2.1.
Finally, reconfigure the rotary switch positions as described in
section 8.2.2.
Your test instrument is now reconfigured and once again ready for
Summary of Contents for SECULIFE ST BASE 25
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