Gossen Metrawatt GmbH
Commenting Measurement Series
You can add a comment to each measurement series in order to
make a note of additional information. If you create a report, it will
include the comment.
Measurement data are available in BT PRO Manager
1. Start BT PRO Manager.
2. Click the
Display Measurement Series
menu appears in the
display selection
3. Select the desired type of measurement from the list.
The measurement series appear in the
display selection
The first measurement series is selected automatically.
The measured values are displayed in the
detail display area
4. Select the desired measurement series from the
Series Selection
list in the
display area
The measured values of the selected measurement series are
displayed in the
detail display area
5. Click the
icon above the
detail display area
Measurement Series Comment
dialog appears.
6. Enter your comment to the
7. Click the
The comment is stored.
Deleting a Measurement Series
Measurement data are available in BT PRO Manager
1. Start BT PRO Manager.
2. Click the
Display Measurement Series
menu appears in the
display selection
3. Select the desired type of measurement from the list.
The measurement series appear in the
display selection
. The
first measurement series is selected automatically.
The measured values are displayed in the
detail display area
4. Select the desired measurement series from the
Series Selection
list in the
display area
5. Click the
icon above the
detail display area
A security prompt appears.
6. Acknowledge the security prompt by clicking
The measurement series is deleted.
Individual Information in Reports
Inspector’s name in reports:
The name of the user account with which the measurement
data was entered to the database is automatically used in test
reports as the inspector
Created by
is selected, the user name of the user account
used to create the report appears. Log in via the user account
whose name should appear in the report.
Logos in reports:
A logo is displayed in the individual report (for the individual
measurement evaluation) and the multiple report (for the multi-
ple measurement evaluation). The BT PRO Manager logo
appears by default.
You can replace this logo with your own graphic. It’s scaled
Hidden folders are displayed on your Windows
Read the documentation included with your operating sys-
tem for detailed information.
Your graphic is a jpg file.
1. Rename your graphic. The filename must read as follows:
Individual measurement evaluation (individual report) =
Multiple measurement evaluation (multiple report) =
2. Start the Windows
3. Access the following path:
This is a program subfolder.
4. Copy your graphic into the folder.
Replace or Skip File
dialog appears.
5. Click the
Replace file in destination
Your graphic is saved and appears as a logo in the report.
Individual Report: Creating and Printing an Individual Measurement
You can display a graphic evaluation of an individual measurement
You can print most display types (with some exceptions, e.g. tabu-
lar views) as a report on paper or electronically as an Adobe
file. If you can print the evaluation as a report, a printer icon
appears at the top left above the graphic evaluation.
Measurement data are available in BT PRO Manager
1. Create a graphic evaluation, for example a bar chart or a his-
2. Click the
dialog appears.
3. Optional: Activate the
checkbox for an assessment
of the measurement results.
4. Click the appropriate icon for the desired type of print-out:
for the printer specified on your PC
PDF Logo for a pdf file
The respective print dialog opens.
5. Follow the instructions displayed in the print dialog. If neces-
sary, read any relevant product documentation.
The report is printed.
Multiple Report: Creating and Printing a Multiple Measurement Eval-
You can create and print multiple reports, i.e. evaluations of several
measurement series.
A multiple report contains several measurement series, all of which
originate from a single job. A job is a collection container for mea-
surement series and is identified by an ID.
Jobs are created automatically for float (
33), discharge (
37) measurements. In order to obtain a job
ID, right click the measurement series in the
display selection
Show Job ID
Job IDs are not assigned to individual measurements, which is
indicated by the number “0”. They can be added to a job which
belongs to the same battery. In this case they’re assigned the
same job ID and appear in the multiple report. Conversely, the job
ID can also be removed so that the measurement series no longer
belongs to the job and doesn’t appear in the multiple report.
Measurement series without a job ID are identified by means of an
empty square in the
display selection
, and the square is filled in for
measurement series with a job ID.
In addition to combining measurement series, you can also cus-
tomize the report, for example:
Selection of elements to be printed
Add evaluations: overall evaluation and element evaluations
Green = OK
Orange = warning
Red = NOK
Add images (png, jpg, jpeg or bmp format)
Add notes and comments: any desired text or text modules for
frequently occurring elements
Optionally, the report can be printed on paper or electronically as
an Adobe
pdf file.
Measurement data are available in BT PRO Manager
1. Start BT PRO Manager.
2. Click the
Display Measurement Series
menu appears in the
display selection