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safe operating limits that should not be
exceeded. Refer to the pump Perfor-
mance Curve for the maximum continu-
ous operating speed.
The electrical power used to operate
this pump is high enough to cause inju-
ry or death. Obtain the services of a qu-
alified electrician to make all electrical
connections. Make certain that the
pump and enclosure are properly
grounded; never use gas pipe as an
electrical ground. Be sure that the in-
coming power matches the voltage and
phase of the pump before connecting
the power source. Do not run the pump
if the voltage is not within the limits.
All electrical connections must be in ac-
cordance with The National Electric
Code and all local codes. If there is a
conflict between the instructions pro-
vided and N.E.C. Specifications, N.E.C.
Specifications shall take precedence.
Obtain the services of a qualified elec-
trician to troubleshoot, test and/or ser-
vice the electrical components of this