. VERSION I: Door (D):
move the hinge (J) to the opposite side. Remove the door retainer
(K1) with the support (L) and attach a symmetric retainer (K2) supplied in the bag along
with the support (L), on the opposite side.
undo the screw of the door cover (M) and remove it, including the
cover (N). Move the hinge (J) to the opposite side of the door. Rotate the cover (N) by 180°
and move it to the opposite side of the cover (M); then, reattach the cover. Remove the
door retainer (K1) with the support (L) and attach a symmetric retainer (K2) supplied in the
bag along with the support (L), on the opposite side.
5. Starting at the bottom and working your way up: attach the lower hinge (E2, supplied in the
bag), mount the door (D), and attach the hinge (C). Do not forget to replace the washers as
they were before disassembling.
6. Install the covers A and B2 (cover B2 is supplier in the bag).
Changing the handle:
remove the covers, undo the screws, and reattach the handle on
the opposite side. Replace the covers on the opposite side. Insert the plugs supplied in the
bag into the holes where the handle used to be attached.
Save the parts B1, E1, and K1 in case you need to change the direction of door opening again at a
later time.
* Retainers K1 and K2 are only installed on some models.
Version I + II