means Low sensitivity level, requiring higher sound level to
reactivate the transmission.
means Medium sensitivity level, requiring medium sound level to
reactivate the transmission.
means High sensitivity level, requiring low sound level to
reactivate the transmission.
means Constant transmission – no standby mode.
When ECO function is on, a ECO indicator will be displayed on top of the
LCD screen. To view a video signal on your parent unit when ECO function
is on, briefly press the power key.
4.6 Alarm Setting
You can use the alarm to remind yourself to feed baby/change
diapers/sleep, etc.
1 . Press the Menu/ Exit key and the menu will pop up.
2. Press the LEFT key or RIGHT key until the alarm icon is
3. Press UP key to increment or press DOWN key to decrement.
4. Press OK key to confirm.
Note: If the alarm is ringing and no one to answer, then the ringing will last
1 minute and then stop, after 3 minutes the ringing will start again.
The ringing will sound up three times total if no one answer.
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