Re solut ion: C hoosing I t
The SportsCam can record at two different resolutions: 720p (1280 x720)
and 1080p (1920 x 1080). To select your resolution, use the switch on
the rear panel of the camera.
Why would you want to record at a lower resolution? Believe it or not,
there are actually a few really good reasons to record at 720p. Here
are a couple, presented in reverse order of pretentiousness:
lt's very, very slightly more retro, and (ergo) cooler. (Hipsters only.)
Not everyone can playback 1080p - many TWs (even some
marked "HD" can't playback 1080p - most systems that can will
claim "Full HD" or "1080p" somewhere on the unit or the packaging
(most likely both).
If your TV supports 1080i but not 1080p (again, this will be written
on it somewhere), then playback of 720p may actually have a
slightly higher vertical resolution (720 lines versus 540) when d
isplaying rapid motion.
720p is often less prone to artefacting when recording rapid
motion than 1080p.
720p uses less space than 1080p - SO, if you're trying to get the
most possible out of your memory card, then it's a good option.
1080p requires approximately 8000
13000kbps, whereas 720p
uses 4000
8000kbps (it varies by your Quality setting). You'II get
about 40 minutes of 1080p to the same space as l hour of 720p.
GO4 Vega N1 user guide