configured "Open" allowing all traffic to pass through the router onto the internet.
Access rules for all network interfaces should be modified to meet the operational
environment. Firewall rules are defined in the web admin under "Firewall->Rules". Click
on the tab for the interface that you want to configure. Then add/remove rules to suit
your specific environment.
The supplied NULL modem cable can be used to gain console access through the
serial port using settings 9600 8N1.
Use the web admin "Diagnostics->Backup/Restore" feature to save a copy of your
router's settings.
The RedPort wXa uses an internal solid state silicon disk drive (SSD) to store its
configuration and cache webpages. Care should be taken when shutting down the unit
to prevent loss of data and lengthy disk checks on startup. To properly shutdown the
unit, login to the web admin and execute the "Diagnostics->Halt function". Wait one full
minute before removing power.
In the Box
The following items are included in every RedPort wXa shipment:
• Base unit. Either rack or wall mount base unit
• WiFi antenna for WiFi enabled units
• DB-9 NULL modem cable
• US or EU compatible external power supply
• Resource DVD
• This Quick Start guide.