2 2
i n s t r u c t i o n m a n ua l
G X 8 5 0
Key Beep
√ Quiet
Exit Enter
veRSion inFo
select ‘Version info’ to review the software versions installed
inside your radio.
FaCtoRy ReSet
select Factory reset to clear any settings you have made to
your radio and restore it to the factory defaults.
ChaRGinG the BatteRy
the battery is a built-in design and is not user serviceable. if
the battery requires replacing, the radio should be returned
to GmE for service to ensure the waterproof integrity of the
radio is maintained.
to charge the battery
unscrew the centre knob on the top panel (between
the Volume knob and the antenna). Plug the supplied
ac adaptor into the 240V power then connect the
adaptor’s charger plug into the socket on the top of
the radio. secure it by tightening the collar on the plug.
1. unscrEw thE
connEctor caP
2. insErt thE charGEr
3. rotatE thE collar
to sEcurE thE PluG
while the charger is connected the display will show the
battery charging state by animating the battery icon.
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when the radio is on, the battery symbol
animates in the corner of the display.
when the radio is switched off, the battery symbol
animates in the centre of the display.