GMC customer assist
If your product needs repairing or you simply need help
or advice, please contact us on our Customer Assist Line
1300 880 001 (Australia) or 0800 445 721 (New Zealand).
For prompt service we suggest you log your service request
online at
Should you not have
access to the Internet, please contact our service department
1300 880 001 (Australia) or 0800 445 721 (New Zealand).
7am –7pm, 7days a week (AEST).
Please note that if repair is required, you must
provide a valid original purchase receipt.
You will need the following details at hand to log your service request;
Personal details:
First & Last name, address, pick up address,
contact phone numbers, email address
Product details:
Product number, date of purchase, retailer bought from,
State & postcode, receipt number, reason for the request,
copy of official purchase receipt
Attach your purchase receipt and save with this Manual for future reference.
Please refer to our website
for full GMC warranty Terms and Conditions.