- SIL 2 Temperature Signal Converter, Duplicator, Adder/Subtractor
G.M. International ISM0018-13
General Description:
The single and dual channel DIN Rail Temperature Signal Converter D1072S and D1072D accepts a low level dc signal from millivolt, thermocouple or
RTD temperature sensor, located in Hazardous Area, and converts, with isolation, the signal to drive a Safe Area load. Output signal can be direct or reverse.
Duplicator function provides two independent outputs for the single input.
Adder, subtractor, low/high selector functions provides two independent outputs representing input A, input B, input A plus input B, input A minus input B, low/high selector.
1 or 2 channel I.S. input from mV, thermocouples, 3-4 wires resistance thermometers, transmitting potentiometers, provides 3 port isolation (input/output/supply) and current
(source mode) or voltage output signal. Duplicator, adder, subtractor, low/high selector function provided. The programmable RTD line resistance compensation allows the use of
2 wires RTDs or error compensation for 3-4 wires RTDs. Reference junction compensation can be automatic, with option 91, or fixed by software setting.
Signalling LEDs:
Power supply indication (green), burnout (red).
Totally software configurable, no jumpers or switches, input sensor, connection mode, burnout operation, mA or V output signal, by GM Pocket Portable Configurator
PPC1090, powered by the unit or configured by PC via RS-232 serial line with PPC1092 Adapter and SWC1090 Configurator software. A 16 characters tag can be inserted using
SWC1090 Configurator software. To operate PPC1090 or PPC1092 refer to instruction manual.
Fully compliant with CE marking applicable requirements.
12-24 Vdc nom (10 to 30 Vdc) reverse polarity protected, ripple within voltage limits
5 Vpp.
Current consumption @ 24 V:
70 mA for 2 channels D1072D, 45 mA for 1 channel D1072S with 20 mA output typical.
Current consumption @ 12 V:
140 mA for 2 channels D1072D, 80 mA for 1 channel D1072S with 20 mA output typical.
Power dissipation:
1.5 W for 2 channels D1072D, 1.0 W for 1 channel D1072S with 24 V supply voltage and 20 mA output typical.
Max. power consumption:
at 30 V supply voltage, overload condition and PPC1090 connected, 2.1 W for 2 channels D1072D, 1.4 W for 1 channel D1072S.
Isolation (Test Voltage):
I.S. In/Out 1.5 KV; I.S. In/Supply 1.5 KV; I.S. In/I.S. In 500 V; Out/Supply 500 V; Out/Out 500 V.
millivolt or thermocouple type A1, A2, A3, B, E, J, K, L, Lr, N, R, S, S1, T, U or 3-4 wires RTD Pt100, Pt200, Pt300 to DIN43760, Pt100 (0.3916), Ni100 Ni120 or
Pt500, Pt100, Pt50, Cu100, Cu53, Cu50, Cu46 (russian standard) or 3 wires transmitting potentiometer (50
to 20 K
Integration time:
500 ms.
5 µV on mV or thermocouple, 1 µV thermocouple type B, R, S, S1, 2 µV thermocouple A1, A2, A3, 20 m
on RTD, 0.05 % on transmitting potentiometer.
0.1 °C on temperature, 10 µV on mV, 0.1 % on potentiometer.
Input range:
within rated limits of sensor (-10 to + 80 mV).
Measuring RTD current:
0.5 mA.
RTD line resistance compensation:
RTD line resistance error compensation:
- 5 to + 20
, programmable.
Thermocouple Reference Junction Compensation:
automatic, by external sensor OPT91 separately ordered, or fixed programmable from - 60 to + 100 °C.
Thermocouple burnout current:
30 nA.
enabled or disabled. Analog output can be programmed to detect burnout condition with downscale or highscale forcing. Burnout condition signalled by red front panel LED.
0/4 to 20 mA, on max. 600
load source mode, current limited at 22 mA or 0/1 to 5 V or 0/2 to 10 V signal, limited at 11 V.
2 µA current output or 1 mV voltage output.
Transfer characteristic:
linear or reverse on mV or transmitting potentiometer, temperature linear or reverse on temperature sensors.
Response time:
50 ms (10 to 90 % step change).
Output ripple:
20 mVrms on 250
Ref. Conditions 24 V supply, 250
load, 23 ± 1 °C ambient temperature.
Calibration and linearity accuracy:
± 40 µV on mV or thermocouple, 200 m
on RTD, 0.2 % on potentiometer or ± 0.05 % of input value.
Temperature influence:
± 2 µV, 20 m
, 0.02 % or ± 0.01 % of input value for a 1 °C change.
Ref. Junction Compensation influence:
± 1 °C (thermocouple sensor).
Analog Output:
Calibration accuracy:
± 0.1 % of full scale.
Linearity error:
± 0.05 % of full scale.
Supply voltage influence:
± 0.05 % of full scale for a min to max supply change.
Load influence:
± 0.05 % of full scale for a 0 to 100 % load resistance change.
Temperature influence:
± 0.01 % on zero and span for a 1 °C change.
CE mark compliant, conforms to 94/9/EC Atex Directive and to 2004/108/CE EMC Directive.
Environmental conditions:
temperature limits -20 to + 60 °C, relative humidity max 90 % non condensing, up to 35 °C.
temperature limits – 45 to + 80 °C.
Safety Description:
II (1) G [Ex ia Ga] IIC, II (1) D [Ex ia Da] IIIC, I (M1) [Ex ia Ma] I, II 3G Ex nA II T4, [Ex ia Ga] IIC, [Ex ia Da] IIIC, [Ex ia Ma] I associated electrical apparatus.
Uo/Voc = 10.8 V, Io/Isc = 9 mA, Po/Po = 24 mW at terminals 13-14-15-16, 9-10-11-12.
Ui/Vmax = 18 V, Ci = 6 nF, Li = 0 nH at terminals 13-14-15-16, 9-10-11-12. Um = 250 Vrms, -20 °C
DMT 01 ATEX E 042 X conforms to EN60079-0, EN60079-11, EN60079-26, EN61241-0, EN61241-11,
IECEx BVS 07.0027X conforms to IEC60079-0, IEC60079-11, IEC60079-26, IEC61241-0, IEC61241-11, IMQ 09 ATEX 013 X conforms to EN60079-0, EN60079-15,
UL & C-UL E222308 conforms to UL913 (Div.1), UL 60079-0 (General, All Zones), UL60079-11 (Intrinsic Safety “i” Zones 0 & 1), UL60079-15 (”n” Zone 2), UL 1604 (Div.2) for UL and
CSA-C22.2 No.157-92 (Div.1), CSA-E60079-0 (General, All Zones), CSA-E60079-11 (Intrinsic Safety “i” Zones 0 & 1), CSA-C22.2 No. 213-M1987 (Div. 2) and
CSA-E60079-15 (”n” Zone 2) for C-UL, refer to control drawing ISM0141 for complete UL and C-UL safety and installation instructions,
FM & FM-C No. 3024643, 3029921C, conforms to Class 3600, 3610, 3611, 3810 and C22.2 No.142, C22.2 No.157, C22.2 No.213, E60079-0, E60079-11, E60079-15,
Russia according to GOST, R 51330.0-99, R 51330.10-99 [Exia] IIC X, Ukraine according to GOST,22782.0,22782.5 Exia IIC X,
TUV Certificate No. C-IS-204194-02, SIL 2 according to IEC 61508, IEC 61511. Please refer to Functional Safety Manual for SIL applications.
DNV and KR Type Approval Certificate for marine applications.
T35 DIN Rail according to EN50022.
about 170 g D1072D, 140 g D1072S.
by polarized plug-in disconnect screw terminal blocks to accomodate terminations up to 2.5 mm
Safe Area/Non Hazardous Locations or Zone 2, Group IIC T4, Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D Temperature Code T4 and
Class I, Zone 2, Group IIC, IIB, IIA T4 installation.
Protection class:
IP 20.
Width 22.5 mm, Depth 99 mm, Height 114.5 mm.
Technical Data
For Safety Related System and SIL2, SIL3 Applications according IEC61508 & IEC61511 Standards refer to “Functional Safety Manual” document number ISM0071
SIL Applications