Global Machine Company AC24L Instruction Manual Download Page 12

Summary of Contents for AC24L

Page 1: ...EHP e ffAffiffi 4 Litre fi 40 Litre Air Cornpresoors 3A SATISFACTII N EUARANTEE ACZ4L AC4 L o30505 Atz4 4DL Eds E o REPLAEEMENT WARRANTY IN TRUETION IWANUAL R L R il r eu a ...

Page 2: ...he ioor o he c e c g tc cnDonent will be repLoced e a arc q a a a e slme iten A SnOLL ieiiErl 1o nn moY aDcit The wononty replocement unit is only mode ovoiLabLe by returning the tool tc the pLoce of purchose with a confirmid register receiDt Proof ot purchose is essentioL We reserve the ight to reject ony cloim where the purchase cannot be venfied This wononS doa not incLude damage or defects to ...

Page 3: ...our safety and that of others in the vicinity Page 11 r35 xa Poge 1 1 Poge 4 Page 4 Page 6 Poge 14 A Warnirry Unit sfark autmtkdly Switrt ofI pom sryly mmor gtrg rrticrc airpfessrf D irtD ffiingsic tx A Wrnilry Air dirh rgcd from this unit i5 not ruitable for human tonsumption 3 f poitlclrl c thc oifr a r rD ifuir tEr d A Operatirry Aaqst Iigh rctt E c a r this equifnarl Sritll off pow r99ly t rem...

Page 4: ...ment of this tooL moking ond operote E nvim d m e ntol pru tachon Reqcle unwonted matqials irdld d disposing of them as waste Nltfr lw ond pockaging should be std tfui ra the local reogling cente and di of in an enironmentally srrfe woy o N3EO Dxripdon ol symbols The roting plote on your tool moy show symbob Thae represent importont informotion obout the produd or instructions on its use Weor heai...

Page 5: cought in moving parts Rubbern gLoves ond non slip fuotwear lre recommended when working outdoox If you hove Long hoil weo a p rotective h air cove i n g 8 Ux fety occessories Safety gLassu and eormulfi should alwoys be worn A foce or dust mask is abo requird if the sanding operotion creota dust 9 h not abuse the power cord Never pull the cord to disconnect the tooLfrom the power point Keep the...

Page 6: ...ustments or mointenonce inci udinE renewing the lubicating oil To reduce the isk of fire or explosion never sproy fi ammoble liquids in o confned orea It is normol for the comprasor motor lnd pressure switch to produce ryk fuing w If ryk come into contact with Nolvryos u spbelfr bey ma1 ignite the vopours olu eofieq im fu oys WA ilc orprssor in o rell ventilated area h trtfi rfu aying Do trtspray ...

Page 7: ...sla c e compressor make sure thot the pressunsec c s 4 m the tank and thot the compressor is ed Protect the oir rcse t oset jlom domoge Inspect for weok or war si j ciy cnd reploce if Note lhe compressor is supplied empty of oi It must tu fiUd with oil tufure fiN u o After wing tlrc comprasot switch off the on off futal diwnnd the pwer supply ond open the uWvfuett rfutle prusure b trtfrEdb rursc o...

Page 8: ...tremely dangerous and c vhip oround very quickly both with the copability of tring peopb ond blowing foreign pofticla into the oir h not ottempt to cotch the oi line but immediately keep rstonders well cleor ond tum off the air supply to the ose tum off the compressor ot the 0n ff button tnd then remove the hose fiom the comprusor I ...

Page 9: ... vaLve 5 Dired outLet pr sure gauge 6 Regulating hob 7 Reg ulated outlet valve 8 Regulated outlet pressure gauge 9 Sofety valve 70 Non efum valve 11 Drain cod 12 Air tonk 1j Wheel x 2 14 Safety shield 15 ilfilting cap 16 Airfilter as nbly 17 Oil level glnss 18 ildrain ptug natshonn 9 ...

Page 10: it snops into position for the 40 litre camprasor f rst inxft 0n c x E through the wheeL and then through the hae brocket under the tonk Next ft he spoce c i a pin fullowed fu the fiot woshet split washe crc Tighten the nut Repeat fur the second whec tuint RtptunfuFmtle ffion thefum urffi ttct uirg tlc sews washers ond nuB xtppM t lle Wr must be filld with oil befure fisttlrz To pret rt fige S ...

Page 11: ...rward To cLose the volve slide fie oute s eet e blckwlrd towords the com p ressa 4 Stott the comprasor by fulLowing the procedure in the section To stoft ond stop the compressor For the first time of operation run the comprasor for 10 min with no load to ensure all parts ore weLL lubicated Warning Be aware that prauised oir will be dischorged from the two outLets ond core shouLd be taken that this...

Page 12: ...d rninimum pressures ore fodory set ti 5 h bqilrd ie when you hove finished u qtt2ry tiur you ore leoving the Wtffi frn offthe comprusor in the fb sry e pressureswitch cover 2 Note button down you shouLd heor E prox 1 2 second t r afler supply and remove the r i i der prasure z Hets b Hturc any eledicol component wffi tJc urrywr b connected to the power stpply S itdt fit rc pwer ond remove the ele...

Page 13: ...di nEttt X Vibrotion or abnqmaj noi 1 CM tire pter suppty 2 Use ouffi qie centrc to repbette pv rcud 3 U authorid svie centrc to repair w rqlre de switch 4 Use outlprid sN cente to repair or replw tJre motor 5 U autjprisl eaie centre to or reTlne Use outlnn rvice centre ta check crankhofi beoinE an rxi piston ings etc ond repioce where necessary check ard rqoir if neanry 2 Use outhoid eNi centrc t...

Page 14: ... oir discharge must stop lf ollang Wety d6s must be wom when performing this trst lb mt hwe yar face close to the safety vaLve wlpn thb t6t as air will discharge from the valve ot a Wr fwe If dre salety volye fu rpt operate conxtly in any woy a fuiH afuve tum offthe ampressorimmediately ohd haw tle anpra r and safety valve dqked and t6td ot on authorid Seryice centre T O iIOT CONTTNUE TO USE THE C...

Page 15: best done withosofib s 9 3 Re Lubncote c c nng plfts 0t regular inten als 4 If the boc_ c tne compressor needs cboning wipe it with c sc domp cLoth A miLd detergent can be used but nat ig Like aLcohol petrol or other cLeoning agent 5 Never use coustic ogents to cLean pLostic ports Coution V oter must never come into contlct with the tooL Repailr L 1nLy an outhoised service centre should repLoce...

Page 16: ...dud TyW Gl lC Product Code A GMC Seruice Engineer wiLtoke your call ond in mort clses will be oble to solve your problem over the phone You are welcome to use this phone in serice ta moke suggestions or give comments obcut c1 GlrlC product With continuing product development chlnges mly hove occuned which render the produd received sltic _ Cifferent to that shown in this instruction e onufacturer ...
