Automatic Hand Dryer
User Manual
Periodic cleaning of the unit is recommended.
Remove cover and clean dryer dust lint.
Wipe the cover with a damp cloth and mildcleaning solution. Do not soak. Never use
abrasives to clean the cover.
Ensure the breaker supplying the dryer is operational. If it is, disconnect the
power and remove the hand dryer cover. Check all the wire connection to
sure they are well fixed.
Turn on power and if it does not work then replace circuit board. Turn motor
blower several times by hand to see it is blocked.
Ensure that there is no obstruction on or in front of the infrared sensor
zone. Clean any dirty off the sensor lens.
Try adjusting the sensitivity potentiometer on program board. If not still not
work, replace circuit board and sensor board.
Check the motor brush worn condition. Replace them or a new motor.
Check if the heat element switch is power on.
Check if the heat element was broken. If yes, replace a new one.
Hand dryer fails to
Hand dryer turns
on/off erratically or
not sensitive
Hand dryer makes
ticking noise
No hot air