Analogue Loop
- The physical link, usually fireproof 2 conductor shielded wiring cable, forming a ring of interconnection.
Flat Cable
- A 5 way connecting lead. Typically a length of flat cable with connectors at both ends.
Conventional Sounder
- A Conventional Sounder is an audible output device that is connected to the Conventional
Sounder outputs on the Panel. It is different electrically from a Loop powered Sounder.
Serial Communication
- Communications using RS422, RS232, Fibre-Optic link or TCP/IP Serial Tunnel. It provides
communications between the Panels. Chameleon Network uses Serial Communication, under a different physical layer as
- Any type of fire sensor (heat, smoke) that is connected to an Analogue Loop.
- A detector, sounder, interface module or call-point connected to an Analogue Loop.
- A system state where all sounders are activated simultaneously. Pressing SOUNDERS ACTIVATE/SILENCE will
generate a system evacuate condition.
Fibre-Optic Link
- A connection method for data that uses light instead of electrical signals. The connection is made using
fibre-optic cables rather than copper electrical cables. Fibre-optic signals can travel far greater distances than electrical
signals, with less risk of electromagnetic interference.
- Non-volatile memory inside the panel used to store the program, local NVRAM memory and Customer data
memory. Flash data storage is very robust and needs no power at all to retain the data.
Local Sounder
- A local conventional sounder is an audible output device (bell or sounder) that is connected to the local
bell output on the panel.
Loop Sounder
- The term Loop Sounder is used to describe an audible output device that is connected to and controlled
individually by an Analogue Loop. Loop Sounders are different electrically from Conventional Sounders.
- Non-volatile Random Access Memory. Any information stored in this memory will not be cleared when power is
removed from the system. It contains the LOG info, disablements and system state info.
- Printed Circuit Board.
Chameleon Display (panel repeater)
- Everything displayed in the OCTO+ “Front End” is also displayed to the “Chameleon
Display”. Every key press action is made as if the input was actually occurring on the connected “Front End” panel. This is
not a network panel and is used to add one extra Display to a specific panel. It mimics the connected panel. It has no
network capabilities.
Chameleon Repeater (system repeater)
- In a Chameleon Network, the CHAMELEON REPEATER is used as a “System
Repeater”. It works as a networked panel (but without loops connected) and has the ability to process and register all
“system info” (it has a dedicated event log). Everything that is displayed in any networked panel, with the exception of
zonal LEDs, will be displayed on the Repeater Panel. This is a full feature network panel. It occupies an address on the
network and can be interleaved with the communication closed loop, since it has network capabilities.
The System
- All wired networked panels (GEKKO, OCTO+, NODE+ or CHAMELEON REP).
- A situational group of devices. A Zone can consist of a collection of any of the devices connected to the system.
NODE+ / Installation & Commission Manual / © GFE 220331