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Annual Servicing
No annual servicing of the Torrent ECO is necessary.
However, if required, a hot water performance test can be carried out to prove the
appliance is working satisfactorily and within its specification.
If it is decided to carry out the above test, the water level in the top cistern should
also be checked and if necessary topped up.
Changing Components
Failed components should be returned during the in-warranty period on return of
the faulty part (normally 12 months) via the local authorised supplier. A nominal
charge of £30 will be made which is refunded in full by Gledhill on receipt of the
original part and proof of purchase.
After this, spares can be obtained direct from Gledhill Spares, or through any of the
larger plumbers merchants/specialist heating spares suppliers.
Help and advice is also available from the Technical Helpline on 01253 474584.
However, all components are readily accessible and can be changed quickly and easily
by the installer using common plumbing/electrical practice.
Note: All maintenance work on the Torrent ECO must be carried out by a
competent trades person.
After servicing, complete the relevant Service Interval Record section of the Benchmark
Checklist located on the inside back pages of this document.