GLD Products
Rigel Electronic Dartboard
Item 42-1032
G31 Nine-Dart Century (with scoring options of 100, 150, 200)
Game Options:
Double Bull
Single Bull
The scoring options are the target score, see the chart below.
Scoring Option
Target Score
100 Points
150 Points
200 Points
Refer to the section “Read First - Operation”.
Playing the Game
To win: The player that gets closest to the Target Score without going over is the winner.
In this game each player has 9 darts (three turns) to score 100 (or 150, 200) points
without going over, or get as close as possible.
If you go over you are out of the game. The dartboard will announce “BUST”.
Darts that land outside the scoring area will reset your score back down to zero. Press the
MISS button.
Darts that bounce out are not penalized. Do not press the MISS button.
The number on the dartboard that you hit will be your score.
A double segment is worth double points and a triple is worth triple.