402-INST-UK-003 v1.1
11 Dec 2020
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Figure 9 - Upstand fixings
Step 6
Place the joining plates into the section that has not yet been installed. Ensure that the centrelines of these plates line up with the
upstand centreline at the apex.
Step 7
Install the second section as per step 4. If required (only for products with pitches between 10° and 39°), insert the crush tube
(supplied - it can be held in place with silicone if needed). Place the second section onto the upstand and lower it down to meet the
first section. When you get close to the joining plates, make sure they are engaged on both sides, and continue to lower the section
until both sections meet at the apex. Take care to ensure that the glazing units do not make contact, as this may damage the glass.
No large gaps should be present and ensure that the internal framework is equally spaced and aligned with the internal finishes.
Secure the product in place as per step 5.
Figure 10
The second section is lowered to meet the first section at the apex
Step 8
Once the unit has been securely screwed to the upstand, cut sufficient length(s) of polyethylene backing rod to fit the gap between
the sections of glass (there should be approximately an 8 mm gap between the glazing units). Press the backing rod into the gap
and position it 8 mm below the outer surface of the glass. After pressing the backing rod in, wait a minimum of 15 minutes to allow
any compressed air to escape from the backing rod (otherwise the air can cause bubbles in wet silicone).
Step 9
Apply enough black silicone to overfill the gap and tool off this excess silicone (a suggested method is to use the open end of a used
silicone tube with some soapy water) to finish the joint. When tooling off the excess silicone from outside, make sure you do not
create a cavity where water can pond and potentially affect the seal quality in the future.
Repeat this process for the inside of the glass.
The edges of the frames should sit flush and should not require any finishing. If for whatever reason they do require external finishing,
the appropriate colour of silicone to match the framework can be run along the joint.
Once installation has been completed take photographs of the finished installation. These must be retained for
future reference.
Upstand fixing