Correct behaviour in case of fire
Giving an alarm
Notify the fire brigade immediately. Remain calm and answer the questions
you are asked clearly:
Where is it burning?
What is burning?
How many persons are injured?
Who is calling?
Be ready to respond to any further questions of the fire brigade.
Rescue yourself and endangered persons from the danger area.
In case of strong smoke formation keep close to the floor and press a moist
cloth against your mouth and nose.
Do not use any lifts.
Close the doors and windows of burning rooms in order to prevent the fire
and smoke from spreading.
If it is not possible to flee out of the building, find a safe room, close the door
and draw attention to yourself at a window. Seal any gaps at the door with
wet sheets or towels in order to prevent the smoke from entering the room
Try to extinguish an emerging fire with an available extinguisher. Small fires
can often be suffocated with a blanket. Never extinguish a fat fryer with
water. Cover the fire with a lid.
If your attempts at extinguishing are not immediately successful, leave the
burning room.