Starting a ZX81 session
A ZX81 session is started in a specific instance (1-7) with pressing directly the digit
in the
ZXblast config screen or alternatively using the double-shift combination with
. The double
can be used for direct switch from one session to another. If a session is not started
yet it will be started automatically with doing the internal RAM test and showing the typical
BASIC input cursor „K“.
The ZX81 session can be used normally while the ZXblast session is always listening in the
background for double-shift key combinations to request several ZXblast functions like loading
or saving a program. The return to ZXblast config screen can be done with double-shift
Loading a program
A program is loaded with double-shift
from the ZX81 session. It switches automatically
temporarily to ZXblast instance, start the loader tool and request the user to enter the
program file to be loaded. After loading the program file the ZXblast switches back to the
specific session and starts the program if it was saved with autostart option (ZX81 BASIC
Otherwise the loaded program has to be run with RUN from the command line. Be aware that
RUN clears all variables so there are programs which should be started with GOTO 0 instead.
This is depending on the program.
The loader offers additional features which are described in a special section in the manual in
more detail. The next picture shows how the program CLCKFREQ.P is loaded into a ZX81
Be sure that the USB flash media is inserted in the upper USB port as the lower port is used
for peripherals only. If the flash media is not present or file not found a corresponding error
message is shown.
V1.0 02/2017
ZXblast – user manual
Seite 6 von 17