5. Miscellaneous
The Gingo Airlite is also excellent for towing.
The tow release can be connected to the main
carabiners. The best position to attach a tow release is to use a towing adapter, which slides
over the lower ends of the risers of the paraglider. For further details refer to the
documentation provided with your tow release or towing adaptor or ask a qualified towing
instructor at your tow site.
Tandem Flying
The Gingo Airlite
is not recommended for tandem flying
Flying over water
It is not recommended to use the Gingo Airlite on any flights over water, especially extreme
manoeuvres training, due to the possibility that the airbag could keep the pilot under water in
the event of a water landing. So, if you do fly over water, you must take extreme care.
Act responsibly and help preserve your flying sites
Please observe all local rules at the flying sites you use. It is important not to endanger the
preservation of flying sites that are a vital necessity to the enjoyment of our beautiful sport.