Bolero 6 user manual
Gin Gliders
In forming Gin Gliders, designer and competition pilot Gin Seok Song had one simple dream:
to make the best possible paragliding equipment that pilots all over the world would love to
�y—whatever their ambitions.
At Gin Gliders, we bring together consultant aerodynamicists, world cup pilots, engineers
and paragliding school instructors, all with one goal: creating better paragliders.
We’re a “hands-on” company that puts continuous innovation and development at the centre
of everything we do.
At our purpose-built R&D workshop at head oퟆ�ce in Korea, we are able to design,
manufacture, test-�y and modify prototypes all in a matter of hours. Our international R&D
team is on hand both in Korea and at locations worldwide. This guarantees that your
equipment has been thoroughly tested to cope with the toughest �ying conditions.
Our own production facilities in East Asia ensure the quality of the �nished product and also
the well-being of our production staퟍ�. Our facilities are independently certi�ed to AS9100C
(Aerospace standard) and also to ISO 9001:2008.
We believe that the product should speak for itself. Only by �ying can the pilot understand the
wing and develop trust and con�dence in it. From this feeling comes safety, comfort,
performance and fun. The grin when you land should say it all!
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