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The LANG-STEREOTEST is an easy-to-use screening-test designed for early detection of
problems with stereoscopic vision in children.
Two versions of the test plates are available, which differ only according to the 3D objects to be
The LANG-STEREOTEST I displays a star, a cat and a car, while the LANG-STEREOTEST II
displays a moon, a truck and an elephant, each of them appearing on a different level. In addition,
the LANG-STEREOTEST II contains a star that can be seen with only one eye.

Note: the LANG-STEREOTEST does not measure visual acuity and does not
substitute for an ophthalmologic examination. A negative test result indicates only a
lack of stereoscopic vision at the time of examination.

Examination of children:

1. Position yourself in front of the examinee, so that you can easily observe his/her eye
2. Show the test plate exactly at right angles at a distance of about 40 cm (16 inches).
3. Ask the child if he/she sees something on the plate and watch the searching movements of
his/her eyes.
4. When a 3D object has been detected, ask the child to look for additional objects and also to
describe them. The examinee may then also point at the figures and should be able to tell which
of them sticks out most.


1.  Positive:  Correct localization and naming of all hidden objects, typically jumping eye
movements from one object to the next. No further examination of stereoscopic vision is
2. Negative: no object can be detected, end eye movements also do not indicate the recognition
of the 3D objects. Eyes are scannino the test plate and then shift away from it. Refer family to
specialist for further examination of streoscopic vision and visual acuity.
3. Doubtful: only one hidden object is localized and named correctly, eyes are scanning the
plate for objects.
Refer to specialist for further examination of stereoscopic vision and visual acuity.

Refining the examination:

1. The child already knows the correct results and might try to cheat. Use the test card
upside-down or use two tests, one
in the correct horizontal position, the other one in a vertical position in which the 3D objects
cannot be detected.
Change between versions of LANG-STEREOTEST when retesting.
2. To confirm a positive result, ask the person to close one eye while looking at the stereoscopic
figures. Immediate disappearance of the figures will be noted.
