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Always remember that packing elements (paper, cellophane, stitches, adhesive tape, etc.)
can cut and/or hurt if they are not carefully handled.
They shall be removed with adequate means and shall not be left at the mercy of irresponsible
persons; the same is valid for tools used to remove packages (scissors, knives, etc.).

After opening the packages, first of all it is necessary to check all pieces and parts composing the
product. Check that they are all present and in perfect conditions.


Connect the plug into a 220 Volt power outlet.
The side switch has two different operating modalities: HIGH and LOW. During the initial heating
phase and during ordinary operation, set the device to HIGH. When Infrarex is on, the cap is red.

Let the device warm up for about 5-10 minutes. During warm-up keep it flat on a table. DO NOT
position the device with the cap against the surface of the table.
Always check the temperature of the surface of the cap before applying the product to any part of the
body. If the temperature of the cap is too high, move the lateral switch to LOW or switch off Infrarex
for a few minutes. Always control the temperature of the cap before switching the device back on.
Apply the device to the part of the body to treat for 15 - 20 minutes.
To avoid electric shocks and possible damages to the Infrarex device, do not use the product if there is
water or in very humid places (bathroom, saunas, etc.).

DO NOT  use Infrarex on wet parts of the body because it could cause serious burns.
DO NOT  use on unconscious  children or adults.
Use Infrarex before applying any type of skin cream or ointment DO NOT  use the device
on areas where cream has just been applied.
DO NOT  use Infrarex on recently sunburned areas of the body or areas subject to
radiotherapy treatments.
DO NOT  use Infrarex on sensitive areas of the body such as eyes. Contact your physician
in case of doubts on how to use Infrarex.
Stop treatment immediately if the skin changes color due to Infrarex.
DO NOT  use Infrarex for abdominal pain. Using the device for treating abdominal pain
could lead to serious complications.
DO NOT  use Infrarex in areas with poor blood circulation.

After use, make sure you switched off Infrarex and disconnected it from the mains.
Put the device back into its box with the instructions manual and the spare light bulb.
