Gill Athletics - 2808 Gemini Court, Champaign, IL 61822 - (800) 637-3090 - fax (217) 367-8440
High Jump Landing System Components
Each model of Gill high jump landing systems comes with specific components. Upon arrival, please
check to be sure that you have obtained the correct components for your model. Please check page
three of this manual for specifics on your model, as well as the packing list of your landing
system for correctness upon arrival.
Instructions for Unpacking the Landing System
For more efficient shipping and travel purposes, many of our high jump mats are vacuum sealed.
DO NOT use a knife or sharp object to cut through packing material, as you might accidentally
cut the product.
Unpack your vacuum sealed mats within seven days. Failure to do so may result in permanent
Warning: Vacuum sealed pieces have been severely reduced in size and should not be opened
in a confined space.
If your mats look smaller than their listed dimensions, take caution, and
unpackage in an open area.
Transporting your Landing System
Each section in your landing system is equipped with four or more handles to aid in lifting and moving.
Because of the weight of each piece of the landing system, at least two capable people should
work together to lift and move each piece.
Proper lifting techniques should be used at all times to
prevent injury. DO NOT DRAG THE SECTIONS.
Landing System Area Preparation
For transporting your landing system with ease, or for longer distances, a landing system cart
(#767 or #768) is recommended. To order, see the bottom of the page for contact information. With this
cart, multiple mats may be stacked and moved all at once, saving you time and energy.
Begin by marking an outline of the area that will be occupied by the landing system. Dimensions can
be approximated by the dimensions of the top pad. Hard materials such as concrete, stones, and
asphalt in the immediate vicinity must be covered by the landing system or removed.
Gill recommends using a platform to protect the bottom side of the mats against water damage. Wet
mats do not perform effectively. Platforms help to prevent water seepage into the bottom of the
landing system, and allows for easier evaporation if water is present. (Aluminum and rubber platforms
are available through Gill athletics.)
Be sure your system conforms to all rules for your current level of competition. (NFHS, NCAA, IAAF)