Test All x
This command will begin to ‘Test All Outputs’. This test is limited to the
on-board outputs, so the address selected by the 'Output to Test & Adjust'
command will be ignored. The outputs will be ramped between their two
extremes, one at a time. Any axis that is disabled will be skipped.
The default ramp time is about 5 seconds. The default time the output dwells
at each extreme is about one second. These can be changed by holding down
the <Control> key when invoke this command. You will be prompted to enter the
time for the ramp and dwell.
Jog Output x
This command will allow a single analog or digital output selected by the
'Output to Test & Adjust' command to be manually controlled. The output can be
on-board or off-board. An on-screen slider is used for analog functions. An
on-screen button is used for digital functions.
K) Set Power-On Defaults x
The Power On defaults are used by the Br-EFB only if there is no
AutoDownload file found or DMX-512/Serial RealTime data being received. If
there is a AutoDownload file on the µSd/µSdHC/µSdXc flash card in the Br-EFB,
the first frame of the first show will automatically be loaded at power up. The
power On defaults will have no effect.
This command allows you to set the value that will be output on any one of
the 512 possible output addresses. This value will be sent out when the Br-EFB
is first powered up. This command gives you the option of:
1) Entering a value as the default value for the currently selected
2) Capturing the current values as the default for the currently
selected output.
3) Capturing the current value as the default that will be applied to all
the channels in the DMX-512 universe.
4) Entering a single value, that will be applied to all the channels in
the DMX-512 universe.
The PowerOn value for all outputs is displayed in the 'PowerOn Default'
column on the display.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 68 of 142