E-Stop mushroom switch back to it’s ‘ready’ position will also clear the
E-Stop lockout.
Sequential From List
This input action can only be selected for the ‘Closing’ edge on an input.
It allows you to define a range of shows that will be played when the input
closes. The range can be as short as two shows up to all the shows that
are loaded on the Br-EFB.
Use both of the drop downs to the right of the Input Action to select the
‘first’ and ‘last’ show to play from this Input
. On the first activation of this
input, the Br-EFB will play the ‘first’ show you selected. On subsequent
activations it will select and play the shows until it plays the ‘last’ show you
selected. On the next activation, it will start over by playing the ‘first’ show
It is possible to use the ‘Sequential from List’ and ‘Random from List’
Input Actions with overlapping ranges for multiple inputs. This is all legal to
do, but there is only one ‘already played’ flag for each show. If one input
has already played a show that is in a range that overlaps with another
input, that other input will consider that show as ‘already played’ too.
You can tell the Br-EFB to reshuffle this list at any time by using the
‘Reshuffle List’ input action.
Random From List
This input action can only be selected for the ‘Closing’ edge on an input.
It allows you to define a range of shows that will be played when the input
closes. The range can be as short as two shows up to all the shows that
are loaded on the Br-EFB.
Use both of the drop downs to the right of the Input Action to select the
‘first’ and ‘last’ show to play from this Input
. On each activation of this
input, the Br-EFB will pick at random a show that falls between the shows
you defined as ‘first’ and ‘last’ and play it. When it has played all the shows
in this range (including the ‘first’ and ‘last’), it will ‘reshuffle’ the list. On the
next activation it will pick and play any show
the most recently
played show.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 130 of 142
The range of shows shown on the drop downs will change to limit your selection to ‘legal’ ranges of shows.
The range of shows shown on the drop downs will change to limit your selection to ‘legal’ ranges of shows.