returned to the previous menu.
4) Use the 'x) eXit' command. Changed values will be saved, and the Br-EFB
will exit configuration mode.
Compliance Feedback Gain
The gain sets the 'depth' of the Compliance Feedback input. If you push
against a compliant actuator, it should move away from you, requiring far less
pressure than it would take with the Compliance Feedback turned off. How far it
moves with the initial push is controlled by the Compliance Feedback Gain.
Compliance Decay Rate
This controls the 'decay' rate for a Compliance Feedback signal. As you push
on the compliant axis and it moves out of your way, this time delay sets how long
this effect lasts. As it decays, the compliant axis will fight its way back to its
original position with increasing strength.
Compliance Feedback Input Reversed
If you press on a compliant axis and instead of moving out your way, it moves
towards you with greater force, then it needs to be reversed.
Compliance Input Range
This sets the voltage range of the Compliance Feedback Input.
On each press of this command, the Br-EFB steps to the next possible
The possible input range settings are: +/-10 volts, +/-5 volts, 0-10 Volts or 0-5
volts. The default input range for the position feedback inputs is +/-10 vdc. On
each press, the selected input is rotated through the possible input range
settings: +/-10 volts, +/-5 volts, 0-10 Volts, 0-5 volts or disabled.
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Output to Test & Adjust
K) Test Output
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L) Last
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 118 of 142