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8. Troubleshooting Dealing Methods
Why cannot call out or paging through other terminals?
The reason is that the called or intercom terminal is receiving a higher priority task. Need to
operate after the other side end to finish the task or contact your administrator to improve the task
Why cannot perform the timed task programmed?
The cause is the start date and end date of the task set incorrectly. It can focus your attention on
the task start date and end dates settings. In addition, check if this task is started up. Finally to
confirm the performance date is according to the server, not the terminal computer.
Why user cannot log in?
The cause is the wrong server address, user name and wrong passwords. Please confirm the
information and log in again.
Why user cannot operate some terminals?
This is because administrator did not distribute the management rights for this user.
Why the task performance is disordered?
Check the priority grade of the task setting is right or not. The tasks at the same time will be
performed as below principles: later task will be priority at the same task grade, higher position
user’s task will be priority, and higher priory grade terminal will be priority.
If the problem is still not solved, please contact with our service department.