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For example, many of these toy-like meters simply display colored lights
red for stop, green
for go type of display -- without letting you know what exactly it is measuring, or what it is
basing its red/green determination on. Ghost buster radio/microwave
“toy meters”
, and
EMF-alert type meters, fall into this category.
The HF35C is a professional caliber meter that, with a little tender-loving-care, should last
you indefinitely. Mine has traveled the world with me (simply in the box it came in), and
issue of
the HF35C’s
delicate antenna can be dealt with by simply providing your meter with
some sort of sturdy storage case, preferably one that will enable you to avoid assembling and
disassembling it too much.
Many very expensive industrial meters are far more delicate than this one, and the electrical
and electronics engineers who use them are familiar with the importance of caring for their
delicate instruments properly in order to obtain the best measurements they can deliver. The
general public then, must understand it is the nature of fine instruments to be delicate, in fact
that they are designed that way purposefully to deliver the best performance
RADIO/MICROWAVE Meter Audio Sounds of Various Sources
There are several amateur sleuth videos but a video on YouTube that you will see frequently
posted where this model of RADIO/MICROWAVE meter is sold. I refer to these videos, in
order to point out the various audio sounds one can hear with this meter, and to discuss how
sounds can be deceptive.
Keep in mind that these videos demonstrate the sounds of various EMF sources, sometimes
erroneously inferring that more sound is somewhat related to more field strength. It can be,
but not with any precision. Only the read-out will tell you the field strength. And, while we
are one the topic of field strength, let me interject the reminder here that when you see the
HF35C registering a reading of 1, this indicates the signal is so strong it is pegging the meter
( i.e. beyond the meter’s ability to read
the field). When this happens the audio will still play
sounds but
it doesn’t mean anything more than it did before it went off the clock.
Another conclusion amateurs often jump to regarding these videos is that they infer that
there is somehow actually a library of EMF source sounds to memorize
. There isn’t. N
ot all
EMF sources sound the same every time (even with the same meter); and the same meter
does not necessarily make the same sound every time (even with the same source).