GD32W51x User Manual
Figure 26-4. FSM flow of a charge-transfer sequence
Buffer Time1
Buffer Time3
Buffer Time2
Charge Transfer
Extend Charge
Extend Charge
Spread spectrum
Vx > Vth
or the cycle number
reaches MCN
(Vx > Vth)
or the cycle number
reaches MCN
This FSM remains in IDLE state after reset. There are 2 kinds of start condition defined by
TRGMOD bit in TSI_CTL0 register:
Software Trigger Mode. In this mode, the FSM starts after TSIS bit in
TSI_CTL0 register is written 1 by software.
Hardware Trigger Mode. In this mode the FSM starts when a falling or rising
edge on TSITG pin is detected.
Once started, the FSM runs following the flow described in
. The FSM leaves a state if the duration time of this state reaches
defined value, and goes into the next state.
The Extend Charge state is present only if the ECEN bit is set in TSI_CTL0 register. This state
is designed to implement spread spectrum function, which will extend the duration of the pulse
high state with different extend time according to current FSM cycle number. So in other word,
the charge frequency becomes dynamic and not fixed. In case of noisy application
environment, enabling this function can improve the robustness of TSI. At the same time,
system’s electromagnetic emissions will be reduced.
In comparing state, the FSM compares voltage of the sample pin in every enabled group and
the threshold voltage. If all sample pins’ voltage reach the threshold, FSM returns IDLE state
and stops, otherwise, it returns to Buffer Time 1 state and begins the next cycle. As shown in
Figure 26-3. Voltage of a sample pin during charge-transfer sequence
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