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GV-RX195X512VB-RH Graphics Accelerator
Anti-Aliasing is a technique used to smooth out
the jagged edges of three-dimensional curved
objects or objects with diagonal edges.
Anti-aliasing can be set to favor either an in-
crease in system processing performance or
improved image quality:
Setting for performance is best used when the
3D image is animated and smoothness of mo-
tion is the most important consideration.
Setting for quality is best used when having
highly detailed and realistic 3D objects is the
primary concern.
If you are unsure of how to configure anti-aliasing,
use the Let the Application Decide option. Your
display will automatically adjust to the
application's requirements.
Adaptive Anti-Aliasing
Adaptive anti-aliasing is a technique that ap-
plies a combination of multi-sampling (MSAA)
and super-sampling (SSAA) on 3D objects to
improve edge smoothness and fine detail. This
feature renders 3D objects containing transpar-
encies more realistic, providing exceptional
levels of image quality while maintaining