R9700 PRO Graphics Accelerator
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textures of the same image. Moving the slider to the right selects a higher quality base mipmap,
delivering the highest quality application experience. Moving the slider to the left selects a lower
quality mipmap, delivering the highest application performance.
Wait for Vertical Sync
This will lower the frame rate of full screen games but reduce the image tearing that can occur
with the higher frame rate. Selecting Application Preference allows the application to decide
whether or not it should display its frames at the refresh rate of the monitor. Selecting Always
Off allows the application to run at its highest possible frame rate, regardless of the monitor’s
refresh rate which is typically less than the frame rate at which the application will run.
Compatibility Settings button
This button allows you to access advanced settings that can solve compatibility issues for a few
specific OpenGL applications.
Force Z-buffer depth allows you to explicitly set the Z-Buffer
depth. Most applications will work best when Disabled is
Support KTX buffer region extension Enabling this fea-
ture allows rapid updates of those portions of your screen
that have changed. Note that most applications will not be
affected by activating this feature.
Defaults button allows you to reset the OpenGL Compat-
ibility Settings to default values.
Defaults button
This button allows you to reset the OpenGL Settings to default values.