Unique Features
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5-2-1 EasyTune
GIGABYTE's EasyTune is a simple and easy-to-use interface that allows users to fine-tune their system settings
or do overclock/overvoltage in Windows environment. The user-friendly EasyTune interface also includes tabbed
pages for CPU and memory information, letting users read their system-related information without the need
to install additional software.
The EasyTune Interface
Tabs Information
System Information
tab provides information on the installed CPU and motherboard.
Smart Quick Boost
provides you with different levels of CPU frequency to choose to achieve
desired system performance. After making changes, be sure to restart your system for these
changes to take effect. The
menu allows you to change specific clock/frequency/
votlage settings.
Smart Fan
tab allows you to specify a Smart Fan mode. The
menu displays
the detected linear fan speed for the fans on the motherboard from the fastest to the slowest.
menu allows you to set temperature thresholds, based on which the fan
speed can be changed linearly.
System Alerts
tab allows you to monitor hardware temperature, voltage and fan speed
and set temperature/fan speed alarm.
Incorrectly doing overclock/overvoltage may result in damage to the hardware components such
as CPU, chipset, and memory and reduce the useful life of these components. Before you do the
overclock/overvoltage, make sure that you fully know each function of EasyTune, or system instability
or other unexpected results may occur.
Available functions in EasyTune may differ by motherboard model. Grayed-out area(s) indicates that
the item is not configurable or the function is not supported.