6VXC7-4X Motherboard
Appendix B: BIOS Flash Procedure
BIOS update procedure:
Please check your BIOS vendor (AMI or AWARD) on the motherboard.
It is recommended you copy the AWDFlash.exe or AMIFlash.exe in driver CD
(D:\>Utility\BIOSFlash) and the BIOS binary files into the directory you made in your hard
i.e:C:\>Utility\ (C:\>Utility : denotes the driver and the directory where you put the
flash utilities and BIOS file in.)
Restart your computer into MS-DOS mode or command prompt only for Win95/98, go into
the directory where the new BIOS file are located use the utility AWDFlash.exe or
AMIFlash.exe to update the BIOS.
Type the following command once you have enter the directory where all the files are
located C:\utility\ AWDFlash or AMIFlash <filename of the BIOS binary file intended for
Once the process is finished, reboot the system
Note: Please download the newest BIOS from our website (www.gigabyte.com.tw) or contact
your local dealer for the file.