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GA-6KIEH-RH/GA-6KIEL-RH Motherboard
Type the password up to 6 characters in lengh and press <Enter>. The password typed now
will clear any previously entered password from the CMOS memory. You will be asked to
confirm the entered password. Type the password again and press <Enter>. You may also
press <Esc> to abort the selection and not enter a specified password.
Password on boot
Password entering will be required when system on boot.
Please note that this item will be adjustable when supervision password is set.
Requries entering password when system on boot.
Disable this function. (Default setting)
TPM Support
TPM, stands for Trusted Platform Module. A Trusted Platform Module provides function for
secure generation of cryptographic keys, the ability to limit the use of cryptographic keys, as
well as a hardware pseudo-random number generator.
Enable TPM Support. (Default setting)
Disable TPM Support.