PIAZZETTA Unterfloor distributor system
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3 Assembly and installation
3.1 Work tob e done on site by customer
The cover system is not sealed against surface water; this means that the customer must provide for the
drainage of the underfloor distributor system. The customer must therefore ensure that an appropriate drainage
line or drainage system is installed.
without drainage/
Drain pipe
with drainage bed
(e.g. loose subsurface)
With drain pipe
(e.g. solid subsurface)
Check drainage capacity!
The excavation work as well as the professional and standards-compliant installation must be per-
formed by the customer. It is important to ensure that the load capacity of the foundation and/or the
cover layer corresponds to the load capacity of the underfloor distributor system in order to prevent
subsidence. Delivery of concrete pipe has to be done on site by the customer.
If the Underfloor distributor system is to be used immediately after the excavation work, the installation
pit must absolutely be secured or locked so that it does not pose a safety risk!
Make sure that underfloor distribution systems which can only be operated when they are in open
mode, do not provoke any security risk during the operation (risk of unwanted closure of lid, manipu-
lation, e.g.).
The electrical connection may only be made by trained personnel and is the responsibility of the op-