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Reference Manual StarSign® Bio Token 3.0 M/Edition 10.2005
ID No. 30017639
The Triple-DES algorithm is a modified DES encryption. It consists of
calling the DES algorithm three times in succession, with alternating
encryption and decryption. If the same key is used for all three DES
calls, the Triple-DES encryption corresponds to a normal DES encryp-
tion. However, if two or three different keys are used, Triple-DES en-
cryption is significantly stronger than a single DES encryption.
Crypto Application Programming Inteface
Cyclic Redundancy Check
A simple and widely used form of EDC (Error Detection Code) for the
protection of data. The CRC must be computed using an initial value
and a divider polynomial before it can be used.
Cryptographic Service Provider
Cryptographic support for Microsoft and other CryptoAPI products.
Data Encryption Standard
A standard cryptographic algorithm specified as DEA in ISO 873-1.
An algorithm for symmetric cryptography. Now used as 'triple DES' in
EMV operations (e.g., ARQC generation) where data is encrypted us-
ing the first half of a double length key, is decrypted using the second
half, then re-encrypted using the first half again.
Elementary File
EFs represent the actual data storage in the file tree of a smart card.
EFs contain one of the following internal file structures: Transparent,
Linear Fixed, Linear Variable or Cyclic.
False Acceptance Rate
Due to the nature of biometrics there is a slight possibility that an un-
authorized user is granted access to a system protected by biomet-
False Rejection Rate
Due to the nature of biometrics there is a slight possibility that a le-
gitimate user is denied access to a system protected by biometrics.
Key and algorithm identifier for authentication (C/CC/DS).
Public Key Cryptography Standards
Public Key Infrastructure
A series of procedures established by a Certification Authority for the
generation, signing, distribution and revocation of the keys used in
an asymmetric cryptography scheme.